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Janmashtami 2024: Sanskrit Shlokas with Hindi & English Meanings for Instagram Captions

by Utkarsh Vaishnav 09 Aug 2024
krishna image on janmashtmi

Janmashtami is a special time when we celebrate the birth of Lord Krishna. It’s a day filled with joy, devotion, and beautiful traditions. Many of us love sharing these moments on Instagram, and using meaningful captions can make these posts even more special. In this blog, we’ll explore some Sanskrit shlokas, along with their Hindi and English meanings, that you can use as thoughtful and engaging captions for your Janmashtami 2024 Instagram posts.

1. Krishna’s Love and Kindness Shlokas for Instagram

For Janmashtami 2024, you might want to share Krishna’s love and kindness with your followers. These Sanskrit shlokas reflect his loving nature perfectly, making them ideal for your Instagram captions.


Here are some ideas:

  • Sanskrit Shloka: "कृष्णाय वासुदेवाय हरये परमात्मने। प्रणतः क्लेशनाशाय गोविन्दाय नमो नमः।"
    • Hindi Meaning: "कृष्ण, वासुदेव, हरि, परमात्मा, जो कष्टों को नाश करने वाले हैं, उन गोविन्द को बार-बार प्रणाम।"
    • English Meaning: "To Krishna, Vasudeva, Hari, the Supreme Soul, who removes all sufferings, I bow down again and again."
    • Caption Idea: "May Lord Krishna take away all your troubles and fill your life with happiness. #KrishnaBlessings #Janmashtami2024"


  • Sanskrit Shloka: "शांताकारं भुजगशयनं पद्मनाभं सुरेशं। विश्वाधारं गगनसदृशं मेघवर्णं शुभाङ्गम्।"
    • Hindi Meaning: "जो शांत, शेषनाग पर सोने वाले, पद्मनाभ, देवताओं के भगवान, और पूरे ब्रह्मांड का आधार हैं, उन मेघ के समान श्यामवर्ण वाले कृष्ण को प्रणाम।"
    • English Meaning: "I bow to Lord Krishna, who is calm, rests on the serpent, has a lotus navel, is the Lord of gods, and the support of the universe."
    • Caption Idea: "In the calm presence of Krishna, find your peace this Janmashtami. #DivinePresence #Krishna"


2. Shlokas of Krishna for Captions

Krishna’s playful and joyful nature is something everyone loves. For Janmashtami 2024, share these Sanskrit shlokas that highlight Krishna’s fun and mischievous side in your Instagram captions.

Consider these captions:

  • Sanskrit Shloka: "बालगोपालं करुणाकरं जगत्पालकमीश्वरम्। बालगोपालं नतोऽहम् सदा नन्दकुमारकं सदा॥"
    • Hindi Meaning: "मैं नंदकुमार बालगोपाल, जो करुणाकर और जगतपालक हैं, को हमेशा प्रणाम करता हूँ।"
    • English Meaning: "I always bow to the young Gopal, who is compassionate and the protector of the world."
    • Caption Idea: "Celebrating the playful spirit of Krishna, the beloved Gopal. #Makhanchor #Janmashtami2024"


  • Sanskrit Shloka: "नंदगोपसुतं बालं गोपीनां प्रणयङ्करम्। स्नेहपूर्णं यशोदायाः पाययन्तं सदा स्मरेत्।"
    • Hindi Meaning: "नंद गोप के पुत्र बालक श्रीकृष्ण, जो गोपियों के प्रेम में आनंदित हैं, और जिनके स्नेहपूर्ण यशोदा द्वारा दूध पिलाया गया है, का स्मरण करें।"
    • English Meaning: "Always remember young Krishna, the son of Nanda, who brought joy to the Gopis and lovingly drank milk from Yashoda."
    • Caption Idea: "May Krishna’s playful nature bring endless joy to your Janmashtami 2024 celebrations! #KrishnaLeela #FestiveJoy"


3. Krishna’s Teachings Shlokas for Inspiration

Krishna’s teachings from the Bhagavad Gita are filled with wisdom that inspires many. For Janmashtami 2024, these Sanskrit shlokas are great for Instagram captions that spread positive messages and inspire others.

Here are some thoughtful captions:

  • Sanskrit Shloka: "कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन। मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्मा ते सङ्गोऽस्त्वकर्मणि।"
    • Hindi Meaning: "तुम्हें कर्म करने का अधिकार है, लेकिन उसके फल पर नहीं। इसलिए तुम कर्मफल का कारण मत बनो और न ही कर्म न करने में आसक्त हो।"
    • English Meaning: "You have the right to do your duty, but not to the fruits of your actions. Do not be attached to the results, nor to inaction."
    • Caption Idea: "Focus on your actions, not the results—Krishna’s timeless wisdom for Janmashtami 2024. #GitaTeachings #Janmashtami"


  • Sanskrit Shloka: "योगस्थः कुरु कर्माणि सङ्गं त्यक्त्वा धनञ्जय। सिद्ध्यसिद्ध्योः समो भूत्वा समत्वं योग उच्यते।"
    • Hindi Meaning: "हे अर्जुन, योग में स्थित होकर, सभी आसक्ति को त्यागकर, समानता के साथ कर्म करो। सफलता और असफलता में समान रहना ही योग कहलाता है।"
    • English Meaning: "O Arjuna, perform your duty with a balanced mind, letting go of all attachment to success or failure. This evenness of mind is called Yoga."
    • Caption Idea: "In balance lies strength—embrace the essence of yoga this Janmashtami 2024. #KrishnaWisdom #SpiritualBalance"


4. Radha Krishna Love Shlokas for Captions

Radha and Krishna’s love story is one of the most beautiful and timeless tales. For Janmashtami 2024, these Sanskrit shlokas are perfect for Instagram captions that express love and devotion.

Try these captions:

  • Sanskrit Shloka: "राधायाः कुपिते कृष्णो राधाप्रेम्णा तु कर्षितः। राधाराध्येऽखिलाधारं तं कृष्णं वन्दे सदा हरिम्।"
    • Hindi Meaning: "राधा के प्रेम से मोहित होकर कृष्ण सदा राधा की पूजा करते हैं। उन कृष्ण, जो संपूर्ण विश्व के आधार हैं, को मैं सदा वंदन करता हूँ।"
    • English Meaning: "Krishna, enchanted by Radha’s love, always worships her. I always bow to Krishna, who is the support of the entire universe."
    • Caption Idea: "May your love be as pure as Radha and Krishna’s this Janmashtami 2024. #RadhaKrishna #EternalLove"


  • Sanskrit Shloka: "रासक्रीडायां राधया सह कृष्णस्य रमणीयं विलोचनम्। संपूज्यते सर्वेषां वन्द्यते तस्य माधुर्यम्।"
    • Hindi Meaning: "रासलीला में राधा के साथ श्रीकृष्ण का सुंदर स्वरूप सभी के लिए पूजनीय है और उनकी मिठास का वंदन किया जाता है।"
    • English Meaning: "In the Raas Leela, Krishna’s beautiful form with Radha is worshipped by all, and his sweetness is revered."
    • Caption Idea: "Celebrate the pure love of Radha and Krishna this Janmashtami 2024. #DivineLove #RadhaKrishna"


5. Traditional Janmashtami Shlokas for Captions

Janmashtami is filled with rich traditions that make this festival so special. For Janmashtami 2024, these Sanskrit shlokas can help you highlight these traditions in your Instagram captions.

Here’s how you can use them:

  • Sanskrit Shloka: "नन्दगोपगृहे जाता यशोदागर्भसंभवा। ततस्तौ नन्दयामास दुःखशोकभयापहं।"
    • Hindi Meaning: "नंद गोप के घर में यशोदा के गर्भ से जन्म लेने वाले श्रीकृष्ण सभी दुख, शोक, और भय को दूर करने वाले हैं।"
    • English Meaning: "Born in the house of Nanda from the womb of Yashoda, Krishna removes all sorrow, grief, and fear."
    • Caption Idea: "Honoring Krishna’s divine birth and the traditions that keep his story alive. #KrishnaJanmashtami #CulturalTradition"


  • Sanskrit Shloka: "हरिः पूर्वं जगन्नाथो ह्यनन्तश्च तथापरः। ततः श्रीगोवर्धनोद्धारि साक्षात् विष्णुना सह॥"
    • Hindi Meaning: "भगवान हरि, जो जगत के स्वामी हैं, अनंत हैं, और गोवर्धन को उठाने वाले हैं, वे स्वयं विष्णु हैं।"
    • English Meaning: "Lord Hari, the master of the universe, is eternal and the lifter of Govardhan, who is none other than Vishnu Himself."
    • Caption Idea: "May the protector of the world, Krishna, uplift you this Janmashtami 2024. #Govardhan #KrishnaTradition"



Janmashtami 2024 is a time to celebrate Krishna’s birth with joy, love, and traditions. Using these Sanskrit shlokas with their Hindi and English meanings can help you create Instagram captions that truly capture the spirit of the festival. Whether you’re sharing Krishna’s teachings, celebrating his playful side, or expressing the love between Radha and Krishna, these captions will make your posts stand out.

Happy Janmashtami 2024!

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